it's happened again...
Monday, April 30, 2007

As I've said here before, prayer can sometimes seem like such a weak activity (though faith tells me otherwise), but it's often all we can do...
Images (some of which are shocking) related to this tragedy can be found 'here'
When i was there, there were loads of bombings, mainly in the city. It was at the height of the the russian invasion of afghanistan.
I came to faith in Pakistan, which was pretty wierd experience ... in a very muslim country, I found jesus!
commented by Malcolm Chamberlain, 9:36 AM
hope you are well
commented by The Harbour of Ourselves, 11:23 AM
I was there from 1987 - 1989. I knew a number of the CMS missionaries there, some short term and some long term?
commented by Rupert Ward, 7:25 PM
commented by Malcolm Chamberlain, 12:20 PM
commented by
Rupert Ward, 12:15 AM