i'm only human... and so is she...
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Yes, it was disappointing to a certain extent, though we did get an amazing hour of Kylie (and our seats were amongst the best in the house!) and we had a unique experience (of the 'were you there when...' kind!) There's even a rumbling rumour that we might get a re-scheduled date though I'd personally be amazed (but VERY happy) if that happens. Kylie was visibly gutted at having to finish early and most (if not all) of that came from the desire to not let her audience down.
I don't for one moment blame her for taking the decision that she took - I know when I've had flu that I have felt pretty crap and I can't imagine going on stage under hot lights in heavy costumes to perform to 12,000 people when feeling like that! It goes to remind us that the people we put on pedestals are human after all. Hats off to Kylie for trying and I hope we do get a chance to see the full show - what we did see last night would make going again well worth while!
Kylie's management released this press statement late last night.
Labels: popular culture
So (if all goes according to plan) we got half a show on Saturday and now we get the last show of the tour. Not bad compensation.
commented by Malcolm Chamberlain, 11:36 AM
commented by
Simon, 5:45 PM